Monday, November 30, 2009

Input Validation Attacks

Input Validation Attacks are where an attacker intentionally sends unusual input in the hopes of confusing the application.
The most common input validation attacks are as follows-

1) Buffer Overflow :- Buffer overflow attacks are enabled due to sloppy programming or mismanagement of memory by the application developers. Buffer overflow may be classified into stack overflows, format string overflows, heap overflows and integer overflows. It may possible that an overflow may exist in language’s (php, java, etc.) built-in functions.
To execute a buffer overflow attack, you merely dump as much data as possible into an input field. The attack is said to be successful when it returns an application error. Perl is well suited for conducting this type of attack.
Here’s the buffer test, calling on Perl from the command line:
$ echo –e “GET /login.php?user=\
> `perl –e ‘print “a” x 500’`\nHTTP/1.0\n\n” | \
nc –vv website 80
This sends a string of 500 “a” characters for the user value to the login.php file.
Buffer overflow can be tested by sending repeated requests to the application and recording the server's response.

2) Canonicalization :- These attacks target pages that use template files or otherwise reference alternate files on the web server. The basic form of this attack is to move outside of the web document root in order to access system files, i.e., “../../../../../../../../../boot.ini”. This type of functionality is evident from the URL and is not limited to any one programming language or web server. If the application does not limit the types of files that it is supposed to view, then files outside of the web document root are targeted, something like following-

3) Cross-site Scripting (XSS) :- Cross-site scripting attacks place malicious code, usually JavaScript, in locations where other users see it. Target fields in forms can be addresses, bulletin board comments, etc.
We have found that error pages are often subject to XSS attacks. For example, the URL for a normal application error looks like this:
This displays a custom access denied page that says, “Invalid password”. Seeing a string
on the URL reflected in the page contents is a great indicator of an XSS vulnerability. The attack would be created as:
http://website/inc/errors.asp?Error= That is, place the script tags on the URL.

4) SQL Injection :- This kind of attack occurs when an attacker uses specially crafted SQL queries as an input, which can open up a database. Online forms such as login prompts, search enquiries, guest books, feedback forms, etc. are specially targeted.
The easiest test for the presence of a SQL injection attack is to append “or+1=1” to the URL and inspect the data returned by the server.
example:-' or 1=1--

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Troubleshoot – Computer Restarts at Windows XP Loading Screen

One of my friend’s laptop recently got this strange problem of restarting at the windows loading screen. Now this was a unique problem since I couldn’t tweak any of the windows settings without first getting into it, and in this case, this was impossible. After a few hours of research I concluded that the trouble is caused by damaged kernel32.dll file, so I simply extracted a new copy of kernel32.dll from the windows xp cd to my friend’s laptop and it started working fine again. Here’s a step by step procedure to do the same-

1. Start the recovery ronsole from the windows boot options menu. If you don’t have the recovery console installed, then start the recovery console from windows xp cd, like this,

a. Insert the windows xp cd into the cd drive and restart the computer to boot from this cd.

b. Follow all the prompts during the text based part of the windows xp setup. Choose recover or repair option by pressing R.

c. Type the administrator’s password when prompted.

2. Now you will be at command prompt. Type cd system32 and press enter

3. Then type ren kernel32.dll kernel32.old and press enter

4. Now type map and then press enter.

5. Now note the drive letter that is assigned to assigned to the cd drive that contains the windows xp cd. It will be displayed in a format similar to this,


6. Type

Expand D:\i386\kernel32.dl_

where D is the drive letter of the cd drive that contains the windows xp cd. This may be different for your computer. See the output of step 5 to find out what is the drive letter for your computer. (Also, note the underscore character after the “l” in kernel32.dl_)

The following message will be displayed after the above command,

Kernel32.dll, 1 file(s) expanded.

7. Type exit to restart the computer.

Hopefully this will solve the problem of computer restarting at the loading screen. If not, then use comments below to post your special case.

Increase Life Span of Your Laptop’s Battery With Proper Calibration

The life of the laptop’s battery depends upon multiple factors. One of the most important factor is the system you follow to charge the battery and how it gets discharged. Its like memory in the battery. The battery retains your habits of charging/discharging and after some time, it is never fully charged or discharged.

For instance, you will notice that when you purchased the laptop the battery lasted for around 2 hours, but now it lasts only for around 45 minutes. This is because, you probably keep the laptop connected to power cable for long intervals of time and the battery has forgotten its ability.

To restore its capability a complete charge and discharge cycle is required. This is called battery calibration. You should calibrate your laptop’s battery at least once in a month to prolong its life and mileage.

How to Calibrate Laptop’s Battery

1. First charge the laptop’s battery to 100%.

2. Assuming that you are on windows, Go to Control Panel > Power Options. Now change the hibernation settings such that the laptop auto hibernates when the battery level reaches 4%.

3. Now use the laptop normally until it auto hibernates.

4. Now leave the laptop alone for at least 5-6 hours.

5. After this, charge the battery again to 100%.

That’s it. Calibrate your laptop’s battery once every month to increase its life span.

Important Note - This method of calibration works only if your laptop uses Ni-MH cells in the battery. If your laptop uses Li-Ion battery, then DON’T USE this method as it will decrease the life span of your Li-Ion battery. Check your laptop’s manual to find out the battery type.

How To Turn Off Laptop’s Monitor Without Affecting Any Running Programs

Its almost impossible to turn off laptop’s monitor without putting it into hibernate/standby mode. But the problem with this is that you can’t run any programs while in hibernate or standby mode. So, how to turn off laptop’s monitor without affecting any running programs?

Use MonPwr Utilty

MonPwr is a freeware utility that lets you turn off your Laptop’s monitor. You just need to click a button and the monitor will turn off. To turn it on again, press space or enter key. When you turn off the monitor using MonPwr, the processes running in the background are not affected. The current version of MonPwr is compatible with all versions of Windows.

Download MonPwr

Use Dark – A Light System Tray App

Dark is a small and lightweight application that lets you turn off your laptop’s monitor by double clicking its icon in the system try (or notification area).

Its an open source application which is written using .NET platform. Its compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Download Dark


You can use any of the above tools to turn off your laptop’s monitor. Unfortunately both these application work only if your laptop is running Windows OS. If you know about any similar app that works on Linux or Mac, then do let me know using the comment form below.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two Ways to View All the Passwords Stored in Firefox

Whenever you type a password in a web form, for instance, while logging into Gmail, firefox prompts to ask you if you’d like to store this password,

If you click on the Remember button, firefox remembers your password and auto fills it the next time you open the same web page. But do you know that it is very easy to view all these passwords in plain text format. So, anybody with physical access to your computer can easily crack (read?) all your passwords. Following are two ways to do this-

1. This method doesn’t require any third party software. Simply open the firefox and go to Tools -> Options , and click on the security tab. Under this tab click on the Saved Passwords button.

Now, in the saved passwords window, click on Show Passwords button. You’ll instantly see all the password saved by you in the firefox.

This method displays passwords stored only by the current profile of firefox. If you want to see the passwords by another profile, then start firefox with that profile, or use the second method.

2. This method is even more scary. You will be able to view all the passwords stored by all the profiles of firefox, from the same window.

This method involves use of PasswordFox. This is a small program which doesn’t even needs installation. Simply download it from here, and run the executable PasswordFox.exe. The main window of the program will instantly display all the usernames and passwords stored by firefox.

To view the passwords stored by other profiles, click on the folder icon on the program window, then click on the browse profile folders button and choose appropriate profile.

So, next time, think twice before clicking on the Remember button.

Find all the passwords stored in Google chrome

Nirsoft has released a great tool using which you can view all the usernames and passwords stored in Google chrome for your website logins. Just download chromepass, and simply run the executable file. No installation is required. On running chromepass, it displays origin URL, action URL, username field, password field, username, password, and the time at which this information was stored in chrome.

Get all passwords stored in chrome!

To export any one or more items from this output, simply select them and save them as plaintext, html or xml file or you can simply copy them to clipboard. Currently only windows version of chromepass is available.

Running chromepass on command line

You can also use chromepass on command line. Following is the complete list of commands supported.

/stext Save the list of passwords into a regular text file.

/stab Save the list of passwords into a tab-delimited text file.

/scomma Save the list of passwords into a comma-delimited text file.

/stabular Save the list of passwords into a tabular text file.

/shtml Save the list of passwords into HTML file (Horizontal).

/sverhtml Save the list of passwords into HTML file (Vertical).

/sxml Save the list of passwords to XML file.

Translating ChromePass to other languages

You can also translate chromePass to languages other than English using the following process,

Step 1. Run chromePass on commandline with /savelangfile parameter like this,

ChromePass.exe /savelangfile

doing this will create ChromePass_lng.ini folder where chromepass.exe is located.

Step 2. Open ChromePass_lng.ini in notepad or in any other text editor.

Step 3. Now translate all the strings in this file to desired language using any online translation tool.

Step 4. After the translation, simply run chromepass again, all the translated strings will be automatically loaded into it.

If for some reason, you don’t wan’t this translation again, simply delete or move ChromePass_lng.ini.

You can download chromepass here.

That’s it. Enjoy!

Enable Select, Copy and Printing on Restricted PDF Documents

You must have come across pdf files that are distributed with restrictions such as the following,

  • You cannot select text from the pdf file.
  • You can’t copy text from the file even though you can select it.
  • You can’t print the pdf document.

These restrictions are implemented by the pdf creators to protect their work from content thieves. However, these restrictions are really annoying sometimes. You can easily remove all these restrictions using this free web based tool, pdfpirate.

How to Remove Restrictions From PDF Documents Using PDFPirate

1. Go to pdfpirate and upload the pdf document that is restricted.

2. Now pdfpirate will scan the document and all the restrictions from the pdf file will be removed instantly. You can then download the pdf document.

That’s it. Note that pdfpirate won’t work on password protected pdf files.


Folder Lock Without Any Software

Here is a cool hack by which you can lock and unlock any files and folders on windows without installing any software.

Copy the code provided below exactly (including ** line) and paste it into notepad (start-> run-> Notepad.exe). Save as protect.bat (file->save as) and exit notepad. Double click on protect.bat and you will see a new folder on your desktop called “Locker”. Copy all the files you need to be hidden there. Double click on protect.bat again, and it will ask you if you want to hide the folders, type in y and press Enter. To unhide, double click protect.bat, type in your password and press enter…

That’s it!

Following is the code you’ll need to this stuff,

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho:"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass:"
if NOT %pass%== type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Important Note- In the above code, edit the line-

if NOT %pass%== type your password here goto FAIL


if NOT %pass%== thisIsMyPassword goto FAIL

Update - Check out the following video tutorial that illustrates this trick,

Important Security Note – This is not a good method to secure sensitive data. If you want to keep the data away from the reach of your kid sister, then this can be a good method but it does not provide any security against people with good knowledge of programming. So if you actually want to be sure that no one can ever access the data that you lock, then please use some good software for the purpose. See the softwares section for reviews of some good folder lock softwares.

2 Methods to Password Protect Image Files

If you need to share a private image online and you are concerned that it may get leaked, then you can password protect the file before sharing it with anyone. Then even if it gets leaked, unauthorized people will be unable to see the image until they know the password. Following are two methods to password protect image files-

Create a Password Protected Archive File With the Image in it

This is an obvious solution. Just compress the image file and password protect the archive file. You can easily do this with Winrar. Assuming that you have already installed Winrar, you can follow the steps below to create a password protected image file.

1. First right click on the image file and click on Add to archive.

2. Click on the Advanced tab in the Winrar window. Then click on the Set Password button. Enter the password and click ok.

Then press ok again to create the archive file. That’s it. The resulting archive file will be protected with the password you provided in the second step above.

Use Lock Image to Create Password Protected Exe File From Image

Lock Image is an open source tool that converts and image into exe file. The exe file contains the image file which can be seen by entering the correct password. This tool is portable which means that you don’t have to install it and you can carry it in your pen drive with you. Here’s the procedure to create password protected image files using Lock Image,

1. Download Lock Image (the file) from this page. Extract the zip file and simply double click on it to launch Lock Image.

2. To password protect any image, just drag it into the application’s window. Then go to File > Save, enter the file name and click on the Save button. At this point the password window will appear,

Enter the appropriate password and press ok. That’s it. The program will generate an executable file which will ask for password to show the embedded image.

Which Method is Better?

Which of the above methods is better to protect images? Well, it depends upon your requirements. For instance, if you need to share the protected image over email then it will not work because most email programs block exe files. Another disadvantage of second method is that you can’t open an exe file on Linux and Mac operating systems. So, in my opinion creating a password protected compressed file is better option. What do you think?

Monday, November 9, 2009


Hi friends this freeware will be very useful to all of you.

If your tray button is not working then you use a pin to open the drive but it is not very convenient to use the pin every time.

So you can use OCTray to open your drive easily.

OCTray is a Freeware using which you can easily open/close your CD/DVD drive.

Double click on the exe file . Doing this will open a window after which you can open your drive by pressing O and close it using C on the keyboard. so easy to use!!!!


Or you can simply double click on the icon in the taskbar and select Open or Close from the context menu.

Download OCTray

If there is a problem with your hardware then you can’t eject your tray even by using this utility.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Now Check PNR Status With SMS

A few years ago, you had to go to the railway counter to find out the status of your reserved ticket or to find out about the schedule of trains. Then the whole railway system got computerized and you could check all the information related to any train or reservation, directly from your computer. Now Southern Railway has taken it to one step further. It recently introduced a new SMS service for railway ticket related enquirers. You can easily check the PNR status of a reserved ticket simply by sending as SMS. A release from southern railways said,

As part of the efforts by Southern Railway to assist passengers in obtaining train-related information, specifically reservation status of tickets, provision has been made to disseminate information through SMS.

To check the PNR status of a ticket, type PNR followed by your 10 digit PNR number, like this,


and send the SMS to 139.

This service is available for all mobile service providers except BSNL and Reliance.

Other than checking the PNR status of a ticket, you can also call to this number to get all the information related to a specific train. Also, the call made to this number (139) is treated as a local call throughout the country.


Send Free SMS Without Any Ads Using Yahoo Mail

It is very easy to send free sms without any advertisements using yahoo mail’s inbuilt chat system. Following is the detailed tutorial on sending ad free sms using yahoo mail -

1. Log into yahoo mail. Then sign into the yahoo mail in built chat feature. To do this, click on the status message (It is next to your welcome message, say, Hi Chris) on the top left part of the yahoo mail interface and choose Available.

2. Click on New -> Text Message(SMS) or simply press t, to open the conversation tab.

3. Type the mobile number of your friend in the the text box. Yahoo will automatically start suggesting the number if it is already added in your contacts, like this,

If it doesn’t suggests anything then it means that the number is not in your contacts. But it doesn’t matter if the receiver is in your contacts or not. Just type the phone number and message, and click on send. Your sms will be sent immediately.

Note 1 - Don’t forget to include the area code while typing the phone number.

Note 2 - The maximum length for a sms is 158 characters which includes spaces as well. It is actually a short messaging service. ;)

Note 3 - This feature is free but you can send maximum five messages to a person until he replies. The quota for the five messages starts again once the contact replies you. The replies will be available in the conversation area, like this,

Note 4 - The pricing of replying to a message depends on your mobile service provider.

Note 5 - At the time of writing, this service is available only in India, Philippines, Canada, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, U.S. and Malaysia.

Note 6 - In India, the following operators are supported,

  • Airtel
  • Hutch
  • Reliance CDMA
  • Reliance GSM
  • Tata
  • Spice
  • Idea
  • MTNL
  • Aircel
  • BPL

That’s it. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Download Free Windows 7 Troubleshooting Book From Microsoft

Microsoft recently released Windows 7, the best Windows Operating System so far. Since Windows 7 comes with a number of interface and functionality changes, you are bound to face some problems in the beginning, like,

  • Your computer is running very slow after upgrading to Windows 7.
  • Sound card not working.
  • Unable to connect to internet or LAN.
  • Your web cam isn’t working.
  • Your favorite program stopped working after upgrade.
  • A burning smell is coming out from your computer

Sure you can call tech support. But that will take a lot of time to fix the problem. Instead you can download this Windows 7 Troubleshooting book from Microsoft Press for free. Using this book you can solve all the above problems and more. So, what are you waiting for, grab the ebook now.

To download the book in XPS format click here.

To download the book in PDF format click here.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Type in your URL :

IT Opens another Firefox inside a tab in the the existing Firefox window.

IT Opens the Options dialog box inside the Firefox tab.

IT Opens the “Book Marks Manager” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

IT Opens the History Panel in the Firefox tab.

IT Opens the Extensions window in the current tab.

IT Opens the “cookies window” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

IT Opens the “Clear Private Data” window inside the current tab.

IT Opens the “About Firefox” Dialog box inside the tab.

IT A scrolling list of names. The one’s who we must thank for creating Firefox

IT SHOWS Dancing Firefox.


Downloading FREE from RAPIDSHARE IS often a headache due to the time delay for FREE downloaders!!!


>>> Click a Download link for Rapidshare !
>>> Click the Free button on Rapidshare Page !
>>> Now as usual the timer starts !!!
>>> Now, go to the address box of your browser. (Where you type the websites !)
>>> In the address box type: javascript:alert(c=0)
>>> Click OK on the alert box that arises



How to solve battery low problem of mobile phone


Your Mobile Battery is Very Low & you are expecting an important call BUT you don't have a charger"

what to do?

Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate the battery, the key-in *#3370# and *#7780#.

Your cell will restart with this reserve and your instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.
This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time.

Note : This key not working in all model, try it your model.


How to Lock a Folder Using Notepad

1) Consider you want to lock a folder named abcd in your e:\, whose path is e:\abcd

2) Now open the Notepad and type the following
  • ren abcd abcd.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30 309D}
3) Where abcd is your folder name. Save the text file as loc.bat in the same drive.

4) Open another new notepad text file and type the following
  • ren abcd.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30 309D} caclub
5) Save the text file as unloc.bat in the same drive.

How to Use it

1) To lock the caclub folder, simply click the loc.bat and it will transform into control panel icon which is inaccessible.

2) To unlock the folder click the unloc.bat file. Thus the folder will be unlocked and the contents are accessible.


1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. For the sake of this demonstration, I will be using C:\New Folder

-The image will hereby be referred to in all examples as fluffy.jpg
-The file will hereby be referred to in all examples as New Text Document.txt

2. Add the file/files you will be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this will be referred to as (secret.rar)

3. Open command prompt by going to Start > Run > cmd

4. In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where your two files are by typing

cd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder]

5. Type [copy /b fluffy.jpg + secret.rar fluffy.jpg] (remove the brackets)

Congrats, as far as anyone viewing is concerned, this file looks like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and is a JPEG, yet it now contains your file.

In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take

a) Change the file extension from fluffy.jpg to fluffy.rar, then open and your file is there
b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there


  • How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,a:...etc)
  • How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,a:...etc)
This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer

  • Goto start->run.Type regedit
  • Now go to:

Now in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives(it is case sensitive). Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .Now restart your computer. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...). To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created.Again restart your computer.You can now see all the drives again.

Hide Partitions of Hard Disk

Want to hide any partition of your hard disk just follow these simple steps.

1. Goto Start > Run and type diskpart

A DOS window will appear with following description


2. Then type list volume

All partitions will be listed, there will be also a volume number for each partitions

3. Suppose you want to hide drive E:, type select volume 3 (Here 3 is the volume number of E:, in your pc it may vary). A message will now appear in the window saing "Volume 3 is the selected volume".

4. Now type remove letter E . You may have to reboot the computer. Diskpart will remove the letter. Since Windows XP doesn't have the capability to identify the unknown volume, it won't display or show results from it. To access the content of the hidden drive, repeat the process, but in the foruth step, replace remove to assign, ie., assign letter E


IF you are not able to visit your favorite websites in your school or college or any place where some sites are blocked?


Below are the list of various sites from which you can surf the blocked websites !


Fast Internet Surfing Using Mozilla Firefox

  • Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:

  • Normally Firefox will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading. Just like the concept of internet download manager which offer faster file download speed.

  • Change the entries as follows:
Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”

Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”

Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 30. This means it will
make 30 requests at once.

  • Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0?. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

INTERESTING FACT ON Ctrl+C (The 'Copy' Command)

Be careful in using ctl+c cmd.

We do copy various data by pressing Ctrl + C and paste the data elsewhere.
=>Its not the safe thing to do when you are online.

What happens when you press Ctrl+C while you are Online?
This copied data is stored in clipboard and is accessible from the net by a combination of Javascripts and ASP.

If u dont believe me
Just try this:
1) Copy any text by Ctrl + C
2) Click the Link:

3) You will see the text you copied was accessed in the above address.
So please don't keep sensitive data (like passwords, credit card numbers,PIN etc.)in the clipboard while surfing the web.

You can stop other from hacking your clipboard content by doing this:
  • Go to internet options of explorer
  • tools menu ->Internet option -> Security Custom level
  • In settings - disable the option
Allow past operations via script.


Test Wheather your AntiVirus is Protecting your PC OR NOT?

1. Open Notepad & paste this


2. Save it as
The AntiVirus should stop you.

If it stops means the anti virus is perfectly running else its out of date or not working properly.

Friday, September 4, 2009


General keyboard shortcuts

  • Ctrl + A = Select all
  • Ctrl + C = Copy the highlighted content to clipboard
  • Ctrl + V = Paste the clipboard content
  • Ctrl + N = New (Create a new document, not in terminal)
  • Ctrl + O = Open a document
  • Ctrl + S = Save the current document
  • Ctrl + P = Print the current document
  • Ctrl + W = Close the close document
  • Ctrl + Q = Quit the current application

Keyboard shortcuts for GNOME desktop

  • Ctrl + Alt + F1 = Switch to the first virtual terminal
  • Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = Select the different virtual terminals
  • Ctrl + Alt + F7 = Restore back to the current terminal session with X
  • Ctrl + Alt + Backspace = Restart GNOME
  • Alt + Tab = Switch between open programs
  • Ctrl + Alt + L = Lock the screen.
  • Alt + F1 = opens the Applications menu
  • Alt + F2 = opens the Run Application dialog box.
  • Alt + F3 = opens the Deskbar Applet
  • Alt + F4 = closes the current window.
  • Alt + F5 = unmaximizes the current window
  • Alt + F7 = move the current window
  • Alt + F8 = resizes the current window.
  • Alt + F9 = minimizes the current window.
  • Alt + F10 = maximizes the current window
  • Alt + Space = opens the window menu.
  • Ctrl + Alt + + = Switch to next X resolution
  • Ctrl + Alt + - = Switch to previous X resolution
  • Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right = move to the next/previous workspace

Keyboard shortcuts for Terminal

  • Ctrl + A = Move cursor to beginning of line
  • Ctrl + E = Move cursor to end of line
  • Ctrl + C = kills the current process.
  • Ctrl + Z = sends the current process to the background.
  • Ctrl + D = logs you out.
  • Ctrl + R = finds the last command matching the entered letters.
Enter a letter, followed by Tab + Tab = lists the available commands beginning with those letters.
  • Ctrl + U = deletes the current line.
  • Ctrl + K = deletes the command from the cursor right.
  • Ctrl + W = deletes the word before the cursor.
  • Ctrl + L = clears the terminal output
  • Shift + Ctrl + C = copy the highlighted command to the clipboard.
  • Shift + Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) = pastes the contents of the clipboard.
  • Alt + F = moves forward one word.
  • Alt + B = moves backward one word
  • Arrow Up/Down = browse command history
  • Shift + PageUp / PageDown = Scroll terminal output

Keyboard shortcuts for Compiz

  • Alt + Tab = switch between open windows
  • Win + Tab = switch between open windows with Shift Switcher or Ring Switcher effect
  • Win + E = Expo, show all workspace
  • Ctrl + Alt + Down = Film Effect
  • Ctrl + Alt + Left mouse button = Rotate Desktop Cube
  • Alt + Shift + Up = Scale Windows
  • Ctrl + Alt + D = Show Desktop
  • Win + Left mouse button = take screenshot on selected area
  • Win + Mousewheel = Zoom In/Out
  • Alt + Mousewheel = Transparent Window
  • Alt + F8 = Resize Window
  • Alt + F7 = Move Window
  • Win + P = Add Helper
  • F9 = show widget layer
  • Shift + F9 = show water effects
  • Win + Shift + Left mouse button = Fire Effects
  • Win + Shift + C = Clear Fire Effects
  • Win + Left mouse button = Annotate: Draw
  • Win + 1 = Start annotation
  • Win + 3 = End annotation
  • Win + S = selects windows for grouping
  • Win + T = Group Windows together
  • Win + U = Ungroup Windows
  • Win + Left/Right = Flip Windows

Keyboard shortcut for Nautilus

  • Shift + Ctrl + N = Create New Folder
  • Ctrl + T = Delete selected file(s) to trash
  • Alt + ENTER = Show File/Folder Properties
  • Ctrl + 1 = Toggle View As Icons
  • Ctrl + 2 = Toggle View As List
  • Shift + Right = Open Directory (Only in List View)
  • Shift + Left = Close Directory (Only in List View)
  • Ctrl + S = Select Pattern
  • F2 = Rename File
  • Ctrl + A = Select all files and folders
  • Ctrl + W = Close Window
  • Ctrl + Shift + W = Close All Nautilus Windows
  • Ctrl + R = Reload Nautilus Window
  • Alt + Up = Open parent directory
  • Alt + Left = Back
  • Alt + Right = Forward
  • Alt + Home = go to Home folder
  • Ctrl + L = go to location bar
  • F9 = Show sidepane
  • Ctrl + H = Show Hidden Files
  • Ctrl + + = Zoom In
  • Ctrl + - = Zoom Out
  • Ctrl + 0 = Normal Size
(For those users who want to configure your own keyboard shortcuts, you can do it at System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts.)


Hi, friends generaly people love to download themes on mobilei know ther are many sites that provide free themes but for those users who want to create their own themes you dont need any programming knowledge for it for this you can use online service called

  • Go to and register there.
  • Registration is completely free. Login to your account and start creating your themes.
  • The procedure is very simple. After logging in to your account
  • Click on “create new” button.
  • Then select “Make a Theme”.
  • Then use your imagination to create your unique themes
That's it.........

Thursday, August 27, 2009



An IMEI numberis The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number it is an international identity number used to uniquely identify a mobile phone.

The 15-digit IMEI number is an electronic fingerprint transmitted every time a phone is used,
which reveals the identity of the mobile handset.

How you can find IMEI number of your mobile?

IMEI numbers are independent of the phone number and are usually written underneath the battery or on the back of the handset.

Generally you remove your battery of your cell & you can see it on your mobile.

Mobile phone users can also check their 15 digit IMEI number by dialing *#06# on their mobile handset. All Mobile phone owners should make a note of their IMEI number and keep the details in a safe place.

If u have lost your mobile,
send an e-mail to with the following info.
Your name:
Phone model:
Last used No.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed date:

"No need to go to police station"

HOW TO OPEN YOUR BACK UP FILES with extension .nbu

WHAT ARE .nbu files

.nbu files are the backup files created when you create the backup for your Nokia Mobile.

It is created using Nokia PC suite and later can be restored to your phone.
the problem is we cannot open the .nbu files without any nokia device.
(so if u want to open it on ur pc )
we have one software called NOKI.

Noki is a utility to explore and extract Phone book, SMS, Calendar, Memo, Bookmark and other user files from the backup file of Nokia phone (using Nokia PC Suite). Download Here


  • Supports .nbu, .nfb and .nfc.
  • backup.arc: mass storage/SD card backup file.
  • contacts.cdb: Symbian Contacts Database for all Symbian phones (include Nokia, Siemens, Sony Ericsson etc.).
  • Softpedia security certified.

Google Books Downloader

Google Book Search is a tool from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, converts to text using optical character recognition, and stores in its digital database. Many popular books are available with Google Book. The books available can be read online only and cannot be downloaded for later use. You can download certain books as pdf that allows public-domain works and are free from copyright protection. Only few books are available with full preview based on agreements with publishers.

Following are different tools using which you can download any Google book and save it as PDF file or print it.

Greasemonkey script

This is the most powerful and stable way to download Google Book. You can easily download any book from using Greasemonkey script. Just follow the simple steps below.

  1. This hack only works with firefox browser. Make sure you install firefox browser.
  2. Install Flashgot to firefox browser and restart your firefox browser.
  3. Search any book on and you’ll notice a download button at the sidebar as shown in screenshot.
  4. Click the download button to download the images of each. Select the pages you wish to download and then right click and select FlashGot Selection to download the selected pages.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Keyboard on Screen

Do u want to On Screen Keyboard?

Go to:
  • Run
  • Type: osk
  • Enter

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kill That Computer Virus in USB – Use AutorunEater

The most easiest way to get your computer infected with a computer virus is to use your friends USB on your computer. You just copied a few songs and got all the computer viruses and worms for free ;)

Ever wondered how does these virus “automatically” infect your computer as soon as you insert the USB? Well, its the magic of autorun.inf file in the USB drive. All the startup information of the virus is written in the autorun.inf file so that its the first program that runs when you insert the USB. You can read more about autorun.inf at this wikipedia page.

But now there is no need to worry even if you don’t know the syntax of the autorun.inf files. You can use AutorunEater to protect your computer from these virus.

How To Use AutorunEater To Stop Viruses In Infected USB Drives?

  1. Grab the latest version of AutorunEater here.
  2. Install it. Then right click on its icon in the notification area or system tray and click on Add Billy To System Startup option.
That’s it. Now AutorunEater will automatically start with Windows. It continuously scans all the removable drives just like an antivirus program scans your system files. As soon as you insert a USB drive, it will scan it for all the autorun.inf files and will prompt a warning window if a malicious autorun.inf file is found. You can then delete the file and the poor virus will never get a chance to infect your system :)

Folder Options Missing

Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer.
Here's the solution -->

  • Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".
  • Now goto User Configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.
  • Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"
  • Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Folder Options Missing? How to Re-Enable Folder Options in Windows Explorer

Most of the malware today are very smart. To hide the malicious files that they have created on the computer, they just change their attributes to hidden and then they disable Tools>Folder Options, so that you can never make those files visible.

So here’s how to enable folder options again,

Step 1. First open the registry editor (Go to start>run and type regedit and press enter).

Step 2. Now there are two possibilities,

Case 1. Registry Editor opens. If this is the case then go to Step 3.

Case 2. You get the error message that “Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator”. This means that the malware on your computer has disabled the registry editor as well. To enable the registry editor again, follow the steps mentioned in this article.

Step 3. Navigate to the following keys one by one,

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionPoliciesExplorer
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionPoliciesExplorer

and find out if there is a DWORD value named NoFolderOptions in the right side pane. If it exists then simply delete it.

That’s it. Now you can check that the Tools>Folder Options has been enabled again.

How To Recover Your Lost Windows XP, Vista and MS Office Serial Numbers

Recently, one of my friend asked me some way to find out the Serial Number of the Windows Vista installation on his laptop. He asked because his laptop came with Vista pre-installed in it, and now he needed the key so that he can reinstall the Vista again on his laptop to boost up its performance.

I found this small application called, Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder, that displays the serial numbers of Windows XP, Windows Vista, MS Office and many other programs like VMWare Server etc. Simply download this application from its website or from its sourceforge download page. Now just extract the archive and run the executable, KeyFinder.exe, no need to install it. Your serials will be displayed instantly,

Advanced Usage of Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder

To retrieve the product key from a non-booting Windows installation, be it XP, Vista, or 2003, put the hard drive of the non-booting installation in a working machine, then click Load Hive.

Then point it to the dead windows installation to recover the key. Note that If you are using Windows Vista for the recovery, you must first right click on the Keyfinder and run it as an administrator.

Easy Ways to Flush DNS Cache in Mac, Windows and Linux

Each web server has a unique IP address, and whenever you open a website in your browser, all communication between your computer and web server takes place on the basis of IP address.

When you type in your browser’s address bar and press enter, the browser must first know the IP address of the web server that hosts, so that it can request it for the web page. This process to translate a domain name into Ip address is called DNS Resolution.

The Process of DNS Resolution (Simplified)

  1. When you type in the address bar of your browser, the name is first checked in the local DNS cache. If the entry is found there, the request for the web page is sent to the respective IP address.
  2. If there is no entry in the local DNS cache, then the HOSTS file is checked. If the HOSTS file contains the entry, then the request is sent to that IP address.
  3. f both the local dns cache and Hosts file knows nothing about the domain name, then the name is resolved recursively with the help of DNS servers.

Why you need to flush your DNS Cache?

You must flush (clear) the DNS cache whenever you want to get a domain name to be resolved again.

DNS cache ensures that the domain name is resolved fast, so that you don’t have to wait for it. However, sometimes DNS cache may cause some problems like page not loading and 404 errors. This may happen because the web server that hosts a particular web page changed its IP address, but the DNS cache still tries to get the page from the older IP. Also if you register a new domain, you must flush DNS cache so that it is resolved properly on your computer.

How To Flush DNS Cache in Mac, Windows and Linux?

To Flush DNS cache in Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, 200 etc.
  • Open command prompt. Start->Run, type cmd and press enter.
  • Type the command ipconfig /flushdns and press enter.
  • Done!
To Flush DNS cache in Linux, you need to restart the nscd daemon(service)-
  • Open terminal, type /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart and press enter.
  • This command will restart the daemon and your DNS cache will be flushed automatically.
To Flush DNS cache in Mac OS X Leopard-
  • Open terminal, type lookupd -flushcache.
  • This command will flush the DNS cache.
To flush the DNS cache in Mac OS X-
  • Open terminal, type dscacheutil -flushcache.
  • This command will flush the DNS cache.
Important Note - The process explained above is an oversimplified picture of DNS resolution. It is a bit more complex then this. If you are interested in mastering the technical details, then follow the links in the above articles or contact me using the comments.

Three Methods To Download Bing Background Images/Wallpapers

  • The new search engine from Microsoft, Bing, Marketed as decision based search engine, offers many more features to lure visitors. One of the features is changing background images of Bing’s interface. These images have very high resolution and can be easily used as desktop wallpaper. Following are three ways to download Bings’ background images on your computer-
  1. Open Bing in Firefox. Now right click anywhere on the background image and click on view background image. When the image is displayed, click on save image as and save it at appropriate place on your computer.
  2. If, for some reason, the above method isn’t working, then use this method. Open Bing in Firefox again. Go to Tools > Page Info, and click on the Media tab. Now click on the any link in the addresses box, the preview of image at this address will be displayed below. Scroll down through these images one by one until you find the bing’s background image. Once you see that image, click on the Save as button and save the image on your computer
  3. If you don’t have Firefox installed, and you don’t want to install it, then you can use Bing Downloader. Its a very small application (about 9 KB in size) which helps you to download Bing’s background images easily. Bing Downloader doesn’t require installation, just run the exe file, and it will create a new folder with Bing’s background image in it.
  • Get the Bing Downloader here
  • This application is written in C# and it requires .NET Framework 3.5. You can easily find out the version of .NET framework installed on your computer and download the versions that are not installed.

Friday, August 21, 2009


How to search defination or meaning of a word in google

It's a simple tricks but very useful

  • just open
  • type
  • define:word
  • if u want meaning of ode type
  • define:ode

& press enter

Sunday, August 16, 2009


  • Engineering Mode: *#110*01#
  • factory Mode: *#987#
  • Restore Factory Settings: *#987*99#
  • Check Software Version: *#900# OR *#800#
  • Default User Codes: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
  • Change LCD Contrast: *#369#
  • To Enable COM Port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
  • Codes to Change Screen Language:

    *#0000# + Send : Set Default Language
    *#0007# + Send : Set Language to Russian
    *#0033# + Send : Set Language to French
    *#0034# + Send : Set Language to Spanish
    *#0039# + Send : Set Language to Italian
    *#0044# + Send : Set Language to English
    *#0049# + Send : Set Language to German
    *#0066# + Send : Set Language to Thai
    *#0084# + Send : Set Language to Vietnamese
    *#0966# + Send : Set Language to Arabic

CHECK UR Computer's Performance?

Do u want to Monitor ur Computer's performance?

Go to:
  • Run
  • Type: perfmon.msc
  • Enter

Samsung Mobile Secret Codes

  • *#06# Shows IMEI number
  • *#9999# Show software version
  • *#0001# Display RS232 serial communication parameter setup
  • *#8999*228# Display battery capacity and temperature / voltage
  • *#8999*523# Adjust display contrast
  • *#8999*636# Display storage capacity
  • *#8999*778# Display SIM card information
  • *#8999*324# The network checkout (engineering model)
  • *#8999*289# Ringtone test
  • *#8999*364# Display Watchdog state
  • *#8999*427# WATCHDOG signal route setup
  • *#8999*842# Vibrate test
  • *#8999*782# Show date and alarm clock
  • *#8999*246# Show the memory capacity
  • *#8999*786# The display during warning
  • *#8999*837# Samsung hardware version
  • *#8999*377# Software error LOG (wrong display of EEPROM)
  • *#8999*638# Show network information

Saturday, August 15, 2009


  • You can easily copy cd in Linux through command line.
  • The steps are :
    1)At the root go to the media directory where all the removable media file system (such as cd-rom, floppy disk, usb drive) are mounted.
    2) Type cd /media (to enter the media directory).
    3) Type ls -l(This will give you long listing of all media mounted. Remember all spaces and case of letter because Linux is case sensitive).
    4) Just type cd hello (if hello is the name of your media).
    OR you can use cd * if only one media is there.
    5) Type cp * (This will copy all the files of cd in the destination directory.
  • Eg: cd * /var/ftp/pub


  • Rather than clicking on the task bar and then safely removing the pendrive you can eaily do so creating a shortcut:
    1) Create shortcut on your desktop by right click and selecting new shortcut from the menu.
    2) Type "RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" click next and then finish.
  • shortcut is created and now you can assign a shortcut key to it.
  • just right click on it and select properties-> click on shortcut tab -> assign a shortcut key to it(it will take clrt + alt by default)eg: if you press 1 shortcut will be ctrl+alt+1

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Edit Any Webpage in Internet

  • Go to the site you wish to edit
  • In the browser’s address bar, paste this code:

='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

  • Now click on the part of the page you want to edit and start changing, deleting and adding text.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Funny Notepad Trick

  • Open Notepad
  • Enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters, and the last word has five letters.
  • DON'T hit enter at the end of the line.
  • Save the file.
  • Close Notepad.
  • Reopen Notepad.
  • Open the file you just saved

Example :

  • type “Haro ooo ooo oooon” without quotation marks
  • don’t press “enter” save the file
  • close notepad
  • open the file again
  • See what happens!

Rename Multiple Files

  • It is possible to rename multiple file at one TIME.
  • Just select all the files to be renamed and then press F2 key.
  • Give the desired name and then press enter.
  • You are done, file name has been changed.